Waste revolution starts Monday

ARARAT Rural City’s waste and recycling will soon be revolutionised, as the new three or four-bin system commences across the municipality from October 3.

Properties under 12 acres will transition to a four-bin system, receiving both a green bin for food and garden organics and glass-only bin, whereas properties above 12 hectares will have a three-bin system.

The move to a four-bin waste and recycling system will also see changes to the frequency of collection for selected bins; the organics (green-lid) bin and co-mingle recycling (yellow lid) will be collected on alternative fortnights; general rubbish (red-lid) collected weekly and glass-only bin (purple-lid) collected every four weeks.

This means all organic waste, including food and garden waste, should go in the green-lidded organics bin.

Glass will no longer be accepted in the yellow-lidded recycling bin, but rather in the new purple-lid bin.

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Ararat Rural City Council CEO Tim Harrison said the new system is part of council’s commitment to improving waste management.

“These exciting changes will help position Ararat Rural City as a prime mover in driving a municipal circular economy and make it easier for residents who want to the right thing in terms of recycling,” Dr Harrison said.

For rural residents, if you are new to the waste management service and you are on an all-weather road (sealed or unsealed), bins may be placed on the edge of the road with enough room for trucks to pick your bin up. If your bin is on the wrong side of the road, council crew will place your bin on the correct side of the road where it needs to be collected.

For the first week of the new waste and recycling service in rural areas, residents are asked to place their bins out on Sunday 2 October.

If bins have not been picked up by the end of the week, please contact council.

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