Candidate – Bob Sanders

Bob Sanders is seeking another term at this year’s Ararat Rural CIty Council election.

Here’s his pitch.

This is your chance to re-elect and elect councillors that will continue the great work that has been occurring within the ARCC over the past four years.

This period has been, I consider the most progressive and forward thinking time Ararat and surrounds has seen, with zero rate rises, a strong financial position, infrastructure well maintained throughout our large LGA, staff who work tirelessly for you and a very stable group of councillors.

A balanced council has come about by seven different people from different life experiences being able to come together and formulate plans in a respectful and safe environment.

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Having been part of this, I know we are seen as very lucky in the ARCC as many other  councils struggle to even come to sound decisions because of political or personal views.

You have seen what happens when council is dysfunctional, seven years ago, and I certainly do not wish for us to return to where the ARCC was then, so please use your vote sensibly and be aware of your candidates.

Some of the major projects that council has been looking at are the outdoor pool restructure, new indoor basketball courts, the Aradale master plan, redevelopment of the McDonald centre, a wine discovery centre and continued growth within the ARCC including our small rural townships which I will push for if re-elected whilst ensuring good governance and sound fiscal principles are at the forefront of all decisions I make for you.

I have taken great pride in being part of your council for the past four years having been a councillor, deputy mayor and mayor and I urge you to vote 1 Bob Sanders and I ask you to support my fellow councillors standing again and endorse three new candidates in Luke Preston, Peter Joyce and Teli Kaur.

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