Candidate – Jo Armstrong

Jo Armstrong is seeking another term at this year’s Ararat Rural City Council election.

Here’s her pitch.

Succession planning is a ‘make or break’ issue this election, and that’s why I’m asking you to vote 1 for Jo Armstrong.

I have put in a sustained effort to build our community confidence and pride over the past eight years – four of which I have been honoured to serve as your mayor.  The exceptional work achieved by our innovative and increasingly efficient council must continue with a team-based, consensus approach.

Making opportunities a reality demands local government stability and integrity.  When councillors work respectfully together for the greater good, we strengthen community partnerships and attract investment in new business, services and industry for our region.

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We need councillors who will make rational decisions considering intergenerational demand and ongoing affordability.  Our current population is ageing, and we simply need to attract more people to live and work here and consolidate Ararat’s position in Victoria as a location of choice across every stage of life.

Need and aspiration must match appropriate infrastructure for diverse and accessible recreational opportunities, events and thriving hospitality, as well as excellent health care and education services which Council should support as a facilitating partner.

Our communities, large and small, deserve to be better connected by equitable access to digital connectivity and continued improvement to our local roads network as we expand agricultural value-adding.

What do I bring?

I am an experienced advocate for community concerns with a strategic focus grounded in common sense, accountability and transparency.

I am an accomplished ambassador with a proven track record in advancing our community capacity and pride by leading with integrity and promoting unity.

I am an empathetic ally to community groups and love supporting people to achieve their aspirations by working together and making the most of available resources.

I am a pragmatic optimist and am motivated to mentor new councillors to serve our community well into the future.

To this end, I ask you please to vote to return me to council once more, and also support new candidates Teli Kaur, Peter Joyce, and Luke Preston, alongside our current councillors – so we can work together, for you.

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