Articles by Craig Wilson

New laws for firearm owners
LOCAL firearm owners will have to update their storage facilities by the end of August, following the implementation of new legislation.
New regulations indicate license holders must store firearms in commercial made steel storage receptables, which meet Australian standards; prohibiting the use of hard-wood storage units.
The steel used must be at least 1.6 millimetres thick and weigh more than 150 kilograms when empty, to avoid having it bolted to the structure of the premise.

Impressive artwork in memory of ANZACS
AN impressive piece of art produced by two Marian College students has filled a prominent spot at Ararat RSL in memory of ANZACS.
Marian College VCAL students have been studying the ANZACS and the important of their legacy.
Their studies include re-enacting the movie Gallipoli, producing a slideshow on WW1 and WW2 and crafting poppies in various mediums including metal, tissue paper, plastic bottles, 3D printing, polymer clay, wood and paint.
Students Jacob Van Straaten and Thomas Bartlett are both of the view that the ANZAC story should be more prominent across society, including the classroom, and they wanted to produce something special.

ARARAT Rural City Council is planning to freeze council rates next financial year in a move expected to be applauded by ratepayers.
Council will adopt its draft budget for the 2022-23 financial year at a meeting next week which will show a zero increase in municipal rates.
The rate freeze follows on from two years where council managed to cut rates.
Council CEO Tim Harrison said freezing rates in the new financial year effectively means a net zero increase in rates over five years.
The Legacy of Tom Banfield (14th Jan 1929 – 3rd May 2022)
By Tom’s son, Aidan Banfield. From local newspaper family, to becoming an Anglican Minister, to mountaineer, to building a camping ground in a “created forest” and then surrounded by wetlands built for frogs. All this has been done with love and passion. A life well lived, even in how he died. Tom was born into […]
Cygnet saved
A local woman has been hailed a “hero” for bravely venturing into Alexandra Lake on Wednesday night to save a trapped cygnet.
A call was put out on the Ararat Residents Page at 4.45pm on Wednesday that a cygnet was trapped in fishing line near the island.
Several residents made frantic calls to council, Wildlife Victoria and animal rescue organisations for help, but none was available.
That prompted local Sarah Day and a friend to turn up at the lake with a kayak and venture into the lake in the dark to save the bird.
Governor presents OAM to Rosie
MOYSTON’s Rosie Nater was announced a recipient of an Order of Australia award back on Australia Day, and last week she was presented with the medal to prove it.
Rosemary Nater OAM was one of 1040 people recognised for outstanding service as part of the annual Australia Day Awards.
She and her partner Jan lbs von Seht and children Juliana and Oliver ventured down to Government House last week to officially receive the Order of Australia award and certificate from Victorian Governor The Honourable Linda Dessau AC.
Rosie was presented with her award for “service to Landcare management and the community of Moyston”.
Council welcomes three new citizens
NATIVES of Taiwan and the People’s Republic of China took the pledge and became Australian citizens at a ceremony on Monday.
Mayor Jo Armstrong officiated over the citizenship ceremony, saying welcoming new citizens was a celebration of Ararat’s growing community.
“Congratulations to some of Australia’s newest citizens, Yingchen Chiu, Sze Long Arnold Kwok, and Nai-yun Otte.”
Auxiliary hosts sparkling event
AN entertaining presentation on the Queen’s private diamond collection by Melbourne jeweller Adrian Dickens will be the highlight of the East Grampians Health Service Auxiliary’s first event for 2022. Raising funds to help furnish the new Palliative Care Area at EGHS, the event, ‘Diamonds are the Queen’s Best Friend’, will feature a luncheon, presentation by […]