Welcome Father Martin
AFTER a five year absence, Ararat’s Holy Trinity Anglican Church is celebrating the appointment of a new priest.
Father Martin Nadarajan was inducted at a ceremony last Thursday attended by the local congregation and clergy from across Western Victoria.
Father Nadarajan was first ordained as a deacon in 2017 and began as a non-stipendiary Assistant Curate at The Anglican Cathedral in Ballarat and Holy Trinity in Sebastopol.
He was ordained to the priesthood in 2019.
Father Nadarajan told the Advocate, he was keen to get members of the community back to the church.
Vaccination Clinic celebrates milestone
MARCH 19 marked the one year anniversary of East Grampians Health Service commencing COVID-19 vaccinations in Ararat.
In that time, EGHS has administered 25,000 vaccination doses – at the EGHS Community Vaccination Clinic in Pyrenees House Ararat, and at pop up clinics across the region. EGHS has offered all forms of COVID-19 vaccination, including AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna and Novavax.
EGHS chief executive Nick Bush said the health service’s team of nurse immunisers and administration staff had welcomed thousands of adults and children to the clinics.
Gum San to open in April
VOLUNTEERS at Ararat’s Gum San Chinese Heritage Centre were busy at work when the Ararat Advocate called by last week.
The centre has been closed for two years due to the pandemic, but around a dozen people were actively cleaning and reorganising the centre last week.
It’s hoped public tours will commence on April the 7th.
Gum San President Henry Gunstone said the volunteers are eager to get things back on track.
“We’re going to try and open before Easter and we have another working bee this week which will bring us pretty close,” he said.
Nod for Pomonal farmers market
AFTER a lengthy investigation, Ararat Rural City Council has named Pomonal Estate vineyard as the destination for the municipalities new farmers market.
Last July, council received $30,000 from the Victorian Government to establish a farmers market in the region.
At the time, council CEO Tim Harrison said he wanted the market to be established in one of the smaller towns surrounding Ararat.
On Wednesday, Dr Harrison visited Pomonal Estate to confirm they would be the ongoing hosts of a monthly farmers market.
ARARAT Rural City Council has identified seven priority projects it would like funded as part of election commitments from the major parties.
With a federal and state election due this year, Council’s CEO Tim Harrison said he and his team will be working hard to achieve commitments from both sides.
He said 2022 was an ideal opportunity to get funding commitments.
“We don’t get a double election year very often and it is the perfect time for us to get commitments to benefit our communities,” he said.
“We’ve got politicians who want to get elected and we’ve got to take full advantage of, dare I say, pork barrelling.”
Dedicated mental health service pleases health chief
ARARAT will receive funding for a locally based mental health service in this year’s state budget.
The Andrews Government has included Ararat in 21 locations for a Local Adult and Older Adult Mental Health and Wellbeing Service.
The government said the service is a new model of care that will see Victorians get the mental health support they need, as soon as they need it, close to home.
Member for Western Victoria, Jaala Pulford, said the local services will act as a ‘front door’ to the reformed mental health system, providing early intervention support for adults experiencing mental illness or psychological distress without needing a referral from a GP, and before people need clinical hospital emergency department.
SES deployed to floodzone
AN Ararat SES volunteer has spoken of the devastation he faced when deployed to flood impacted areas of northern New South Wales last week.
Jordan Bush, the Acting Controller of Ararat SES, spent four days helping around Casino and Coraki, describing the damage as “incomprehensible”
He said coverage of the floods on television could not prepare him for what he saw.
“It’s way worse than what it is being presented as on the television,” he said.
Dyson promises better representation
INDEPENDENT candidate Alex Dyson says he’s running in the seat of Wannon to win and deliver a better outcome for locals.
Alex Dyson would be known to some readers as an author and Triple-J radio presenter, but he is passionate about politics, the Wannon electorate (where he grew up) and getting a better deal for locals.
He was in Ararat last Friday to meet with locals and learn about the issues and aspirations of the local community.
Alex Dyson ran as an independent in Wannon at the 2019 election, achieving an impressive 10.3% of the vote.