Articles by Craig Wilson

Renegades go rural
MEMBERS of the Melbourne Renegades cricket team were in Ararat this week to inspire a new generation of cricketers.
Allrounders Georgia Wareham and Will Sutherland and their entourage visited students at Ararat Primary School and Ararat West Primary School to talk cricket, share techniques and sign autographs.

UK bound – Darcy Aitken has cricket in his blood
ARARAT’s Darcy Aitken has loved cricket all of his life and has his eyes set on playing in the United Kingdom next year.

House prices remain strong
THE average house price in Ararat continues to soar with new figures showing the average home is worth $100,000 more than a year ago.
A report from the Real Estate Institute of Victoria suggests the median house price in Ararat in the second quarter of 2022 was $378,000 compared with $273,000 for the same period in 2021.

Jessica Mulcahy sworn in as a solicitor
STREATHAM’s Jessica Mulcahy can trace her passion for law back to a school camp trip at Sovereign Hill.
“We had a little mock court there about the James Scobie Case and the Eureka rebellion and I just loved it.”
From the dusty Sovereign Hill courthouse to the glistening steps of the Supreme Court, Ms Mulcahy’s dream was released at a ceremony last Tuesday when she was officially sworn in as a solicitor.

3WM makes the switch in August
HORSHAM based radio station 3WM will soon be heard across Ararat with a new FM service to be switched on in August.

Pomonal walking track upgrade underway
WORK is underway to redevelop the Tunnel Road Track Loop in Pomonal, a project developed by Ararat Rural City Council and the Pomonal Progress Association to enhance visitor connections into the Grampians National Park.
Connecting some of the region’s most spectacular peaks and trails, the Pomonal Linkage Strategy aims to enhance the existing Tunnel Loop Track by creating a dedicated walking trail from Pomonal township into the national park.
$200,000 has been provided by the Victorian Government as part of the National Disaster Recover Funding Arrangements targeting assistance for communities at risk of disaster.
Walking track receives strong support
A proposal from the Green Hill Lake Development Board to construct a walkway around the entire lake has received overwhelming support from the public.
Close to 30 people attended a public meeting last week where the proposal was discussed at length.
The board is seeking council support to apply for government funding for an all abilities walking track around the entire seven kilometres of the lake.
Unchanged committee for senior citizens
ARARAT Senior Citizens will have an unchanged committee for the next 12 months following the group’s Annual General Meeting last week.